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Готовые системы LINN KLIMAX SYSTEM 360 15619000 руб LINN KLIMAX ORGANIK SYSTEM LINN SERIES 3 SYSTEM 984000 руб LINN KLIMAX KATALYST SYSTEM LINN AKUBARIK EXAKT SYSTEM LINN AKUDORIK EXAKT SYSTEM LINN AKUBARIK SYSTEM CLASSIK HUB 6069000 руб LINN AKUBARIK SYSTEM EDITION HUB 6820000 руб LINN 530 SYSTEM CLASSIC HUB 2711000 руб LINN 530 SYSTEM EDITION HUB 3463000 руб LINN 530 SYSTEM 2711000 руб LINN 520 SYSTEM LINN MAJIK 140 SYSTEM 985000 руб LINN MAJIK 109 SYSTEM 732000 руб LINN KIKO SYSTEM Спецпредложение LINN AKURATE DS Katalyst (ex-demo) 490000 руб LINN MAJIK DS (ex-demo) 92000 руб LINN SNEAKY MUSIK DS (ex-demo) 69000 руб LINN SNEAKY MUSIK DSM (ex-demo) 92000 руб LINN SNEAKY DSM и MAJIK 109 Dark Walnut (ex-demo) 188000 руб LINN MAJIK DS/2 (ex-demo) 288000 руб LINN Loewe Legro 3 (Linn Mimik) 58000 руб LINN MAJIK 126 (ex-demo) 135000 руб LINN KINOS 180000 руб LINN Majik 140 и LINN Majik 4100 (bi-wiring) 350000 руб LINN MAJIK DS-I 159500 руб LINN Британская стереосистема на Kudos и Linn 450000 руб LINN Hi-End комплект Kudos, McIntosh и Linn LINN MAJIK 3100 (ex demo) 225500 руб Exaktbox LINN Klimax Exaktbox 2604000 руб LINN Akurate Exaktbox (6/10 channel) LINN Akurate Exaktbox-I 1124000 руб LINN Exaktbox Sub 247000 руб Сетевые проигрыватели LINN KLIMAX DSM ORGANIK - AUDIO 5206000 руб LINN KLIMAX DSM ORGANIK - AV 5206000 руб LINN KUSTOM DSM | 2 stream / 4 zone 470000 руб LINN KUSTOM DSM | 4 stream / 8 zone 947000 руб LINN MAJIK DSM/4 502000 руб LINN KLIMAX SYSTEM HUB (2020) 2604000 руб LINN KLIMAX DS LINN KLIMAX DSM KATALYST LINN KLIMAX EXAKT DSM LINN AKURATE DSM KATALYST LINN AKURATE EXAKT DSM LINN MAJIK DS LINN MAJIK DSM LINN SELEKT DSM: CLASSIC HUB 728750 руб LINN SELEKT DSM: EDITION HUB 1480000 руб LINN SELEKT DSM LINN SELEKT DSM со встроенным усилителем LINN SELEKT DSM Katalyst 1119000 руб LINN SELEKT DSM Katalyst со встроенным усилителем LINN SELEKT SYSTEM HUB 729000 руб LINN SEKRIT DS-I LINN SEKRIT DSM LINN SNEAKY MUSIK DS 135000 руб LINN SNEAKY MUSIK DSM 210000 руб LINN KIKO VERTERE LINN VERTERE RG-1 Reference Groove LINN VERTERE SG-1 Super Groove LINN VERTERE MG-1 Magic Groove LINN VERTERE DG-1 Dynamic Groove LINN VERTERE MC | MM Preamplifier PHONO-1 MkII LINN VERTERE Redline Analogue Interconnect LINN VERTERE Акустический кабель Redline LINN VERTERE Techno Mat Акустика Kudos LINN Kudos Titan 808 4463000 руб LINN Kudos Titan 707 2678000 руб LINN Kudos Titan 606 1785000 руб LINN Kudos Titan 505 1517000 руб LINN Kudos SUPER 20A 893000 руб LINN Kudos SUPER 10A 714000 руб LINN Kudos C20 714000 руб LINN Kudos C10 625000 руб LINN Kudos X3 LINN Kudos X2 Усилители LINN KLIMAX 800 SOLO LINN KLIMAX 500 SOLO 1602000 руб LINN KLIMAX 500 TWIN 1398000 руб LINN AKURATE 2200 659000 руб LINN AKURATE 3200 807000 руб LINN AKURATE 4200 955000 руб LINN MAJIK 2100 336000 руб LINN MAJIK 3100 418000 руб LINN MAJIK 4100 470000 руб LINN MAJIK 5100 521000 руб LINN MAJIK 6100 573000 руб Акустические системы LINN KLIMAX 360 Exakt 13016000 руб LINN KLIMAX 360 Passive (PWAB) 8181000 руб LINN KLIMAX 350 LINN KLIMAX EXAKT 350 LINN AKUBARIK EXAKT 5340000 руб LINN AKUBARIK PASSIVE LINN AKUDORIK EXAKT LINN AKUDORIK PASSIVE LINN MAJIK 140 484000 руб LINN MAJIK 140 Upgrade Edition LINN MAJIK 140 HIGH GLOSS 580000 руб LINN 530 Exakt 1983000 руб LINN 520 Exakt LINN SERIES 3 (301) 534000 руб LINN SERIES 3 PARTNER (302) 450000 руб LINN MAJIK 109 230000 руб LINN MAJIK 112 178000 руб LINN AKUDROIK PASSIVE STAND LINN MAJIK 126 LINN CLASSIK UNIK LINN AKURATE 242 LINN AKURATE 212 LINN MAJIK ISOBARIK LINN MAJIK ISOBARIK ACTIVE PACKAGE - 2 CHANNELS LINN MAJIK ISOBARIK ACTIVE PACKAGE - 4 CHANNELS LINN KLIMAX 345 Аксессуары для АС LINN CLASSIK KOLUM LINN 109 BRAKIT 7250 руб LINN AKURATE 242 UPGRADE STAND LINN MAJIK 140 UPGRADE STAND 91000 руб LINN MAJIK 109 STAND 44500 руб LINN CLASSIK BRAKIT LINN Akudorik Passive Stand LINN SERIES 3 STAND 57000 руб Мультирум и встраиваемая акустика LINN 104C-R 62500 руб LINN 104C-S 62500 руб LINN 106C LINN SWEETSPOT LINN 104C BRACKET 4600 руб LINN 104C CAV BOX 14400 руб LINN 104C SOL BOX 27400 руб LINN 106C BRACKET LINN 106C CAV BOX LINN 106С SOL BOX LINN DISKREET Предусилители и контроллеры LINN KLIMAX KONTROL LINN AKURATE KONTROL LINN MAJIK-I LINN KINOS Аудио-кабели и аксессуары LINN K400 LOUDSPEAKER CABLE 2550 руб LINN K200 LOUDSPEAKER CABLE 5800 руб LINN K40 LOUDSPEAKER CABLE 2760 руб LINN K20 LOUDSPEAKER CABLE 1400 руб LINN K10 LOUDSPEAKERS CABLE 760 руб LINN BLACK INTERCONNECT CABLE 19000 руб LINN SILVER INTERCONNECT CABLE 52000 руб LINN SILVER BALANCED INTERCONNECT CABLE 26000 руб LINN BLACK BALANCED INTERCONNECT CABLE 14000 руб LINN PACK 2 RED & 2 WHITE PHONO PLUGS LINN PACK 6 RED & 6 BLACK PHONO PLUGS LINN XLR 25000 руб LINN KIKO BRAKIT 3800 руб LINN SKEET FLOOR PROTECTORS Проигрыватели виниловых дисков и аксессуары LINN KLIMAX LP12 LINN SELEKT LP12 1678000 руб LINN MAJIK LP12 LINN MAJIK LP12 MM 551250 руб LINN MAJIK LP12 MC 583000 руб LINN SONDEK LP12 323000 руб LINN AKURATE LP12 LINN KEEL 482000 руб LINN KRANE 215000 руб LINN KORE 149000 руб LINN MAJIK SUB-CHASSIS 60000 руб LINN RADIKAL 677000 руб LINN RADIKAL Klimax 1035000 руб LINN LINGO 263000 руб LINN MAJIK LP 12 POWER SUPPLY 76000 руб LINN EKOS SE 728000 руб LINN AKITO LINN ARKO 446000 руб LINN KENDO 458000 руб LINN KANDID MC 622000 руб LINN KAROUSEL KIT 136000 руб LINN EKSTATIK 900000 руб LINN KRYSTAL 258000 руб LINN ADIKT 96000 руб LINN KOIL 130500 руб LINN URIKA 463000 руб LINN URIKA II 499000 руб LINN UPHORIK 394000 руб LINN ADIKT STYLUS 48000 руб LINN PERSPEX LID LINN SOLID BASE 25500 руб LINN CIRKUS KIT LINN T-KABLE Phono 96000 руб LINN BALANCED T. KABLE 96000 руб LINN TRAMPOLIN BASE 38000 руб LINN AKIVA LINN KLYDE LINN T-Kable XLR 58000 руб Универсальные проигрыватели LINN CLASSIC MOVIE 90000 руб LINN UNIDISK 2.1 145000 руб Модули обновления LINN KLIMAX DS UPGRADE 389000 руб LINN AKURATE DS UPGRADE 239200 руб LINN KLIMAX DSM UPGARADE 425000 руб LINN AKURATE DSM UPGRADE 181000 руб LINN RENEW DS 252000 руб LINN RENEW DSM 252000 руб LINN MAJIK DS UPGRADE 80000 руб LINN MAJIK DS-I TO DSM CONVERSION 147000 руб LINN DYNAMIK UPGRADES 51000 руб LINN Klimax 350 Conversion 2047000 руб LINN Klimax 350 Conversion (package) 1571000 руб LINN AKTIV CARD 36000 руб LINN SURROUND MODULE (up to 7.1) 139500 руб LINN SELEKT DSM CARTRIDGE - 2Ch LINE OUT 46500 руб LINN SELEKT DSM CARTRIDGE - POWER OUT 93000 руб LINN SELEKT DSM CARTRIDGE - 1.1 ( Combined power amp/subwoofer line) 70000 руб LINN SELEKT STANDARD DAC MODULE 23250 руб LINN SELEKT KATALYST DAC MODULE 139500 руб LINN SELEKT HDMI SWITCHING MODULE 55800 руб LINN DSM HDMI 2.0 UPGRADE 69700 руб LINN MAJIK DSM Internal MM/MC Phono Stage Module 45500 руб LINN KATALYST DS 356000 руб LINN KATALYST DSM 388375 руб LINN EXAKT AKUBARIK MODULES 1356000 руб LINN KONTROL UPGRADE 217000 руб LINN EXAKT AKUBARIK MODULES (package) 1095000 руб LINN EXAKT DORIK STAND 1048000 руб LINN DYNAMIK UPGRADES KLIMAX SOLO 241200 руб LINN KLIMAX EXAKTBOX (package price for 2) 1523000 руб LINN DYNAMIK UPGRADES KLIMAX TWIN 150000 руб LINN EXOTIK DIGITAL AUDIO UPGRADE MODULE 134600 руб LINN EXOTIK PHONO STAGE UPGRADE MODULE 35300 руб LINN ARTIKULAT 350 A UPGRADE 298300 руб LINN KLIMAX DS TO DSM CONVERISON 704000 руб LINN ARTIKULAT 350 UPGRADE (PASSIVE) 190000 руб LINN AKURATE DS TO DSM CONVERSION 280000 руб LINN ARTIKULAT 340 A UPGRADE 114000 руб LINN ARTIKULAT 320 A UPGRADE 176700 руб LINN MAJIK DSM UPGRADE 76000 руб LINN ARTIKULAT 345, KLIMAX 345 UPGRADE 96000 руб LINN DYNAMIK UPGRADE ARTIKULAT 350 A/KLIMAX 350 A 190000 руб LINN DYNAMIK UPGRADE ARTIKULAT 340 A/KLIMAX 340 A 78000 руб LINN POWER DYNAMIK 51000 руб LINN DYNAMIK UPGRADE ARTIKULAT 320 A/KLIMAX 320 A 152000 руб Активные кроссоверы и карты LINN KOMRI TUNEBOX 571000 руб LINN KLIMAX TUNEBOX 476000 руб LINN AKURATE TUNEBOX 476000 руб LINN ARTIKULAT TUNEBOX 581600 руб Classic Rock LINN Журналы Classic Rock 350 руб LINN Футболки Classic Rock 700 руб Сетевые плееры Naim LINN NAIM Uniti Star 419900 руб LINN NAIM ND5 XS 2 275900 руб LINN NAIM NDX 2 592000 руб LINN NAIM ND 555
Music Records. Только послушай...

Linn Records

Читать подробнее A Choice Collection: Music Of Purcell's London

A Choice Collection: Music Of Purcell's London

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

Exploring the pieces popular on the London music scene during the time of Purcell. 

Читать подробнее A modern art

A modern art

Claire Martin

Britain's leading female jazz singer Claire Martin returns with a new studio album

Читать подробнее A place in my heart

A place in my heart

Carol Kidd

A beautiful recording of standards with full orchestral backing. 

Читать подробнее A Varietie of Lute Lessons

A Varietie of Lute Lessons

Nigel North

A superb collection of early music by Dowland

Читать подробнее Accident and Insurgency

Accident and Insurgency

Arnie Somogyi's Ambulance

an inventive and fresh new addition to the Linn Records instrumental jazz catalogue 

Читать подробнее Acis and Galatea

Acis and Galatea

George Frideric Handel

second Handel recording from the award-winning Dunedin Consort 

Читать подробнее Albéniz Iberia and Granados Goyescas

Albéniz Iberia and Granados Goyescas

Artur Pizarro

Artur Pizarro explores the piano works of Spanish greats Albéniz and Granados 

Читать подробнее All My Sins

All My Sins

Maeve O,Bole

“All My Sins” is the debut album from Glasgow’s rising star Maeve O’Boyle 

Читать подробнее All my tomorrows

All my tomorrows

Carol Kidd

Re-mastered for Super Audio CD. 

Читать подробнее Alloway Tales

Alloway Tales

Ian bruce

An enticing selection of Robert Burns songs performed by Burns specialist Ian Bruce. 

Читать подробнее An Excess Of Pleasure

An Excess Of Pleasure

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

The Palladians debut which established them as one of the finest period ensembles around. 

Читать подробнее Artaxerxes


Classical Opera Company

...a delightful performance

Читать подробнее Bach On The Lute Volume 1

Bach On The Lute Volume 1

Nigel North

A benchmark against which other Baroque lute recordings are measured. 

Читать подробнее Bach Trio Sonatas

Bach Trio Sonatas

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

A joyful celebration of Bach's finest Trio Sonatas played to perfection by Palladians. 

Читать подробнее Baroque Recorder Concertos

Baroque Recorder Concertos

Pamela Thorby

The dazzling debut from virtuoso recorder player Pamela Thorby - a Gramophone "Editor's Choice" CD 

Читать подробнее Bartok & Kodaly

Bartok & Kodaly

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Fresh, authentic and perceptive interpretation conducted by Czech specialist Sir Charles Mackerras. 

Читать подробнее Bartok & Kodaly

Bartok & Kodaly

Sir Charles Mackerras

Fresh, authentic and perceptive interpretation conducted by Czech specialist Sir Charles Mackerras. 

Читать подробнее Beasts of Scotland

Beasts of Scotland

Tommy Smith

The saxophone virtuoso composes and performs material inspired by poet Edwin Morgan. 

Читать подробнее Beethoven: Last Three Piano Sonatas

Beethoven: Last Three Piano Sonatas

Artur Pizarro

Второй диск сонат Бетховена от Пизарро, потрясающе исполненный на фор

Читать подробнее Blue Smith

Blue Smith

Tommy Smith

A creative and imaginative album inspired by the blues. 

Читать подробнее Boundaries Of Imagination

Boundaries Of Imagination

Bryan EL

Original Release Date: June 13, 2012 Release Date: June 13, 2012 Label: AMAdea Records Copyright:&n

Читать подробнее Brahms Clarinet Quintet

Brahms Clarinet Quintet

Lesley Schatzberger and Fitzwilliam String Quartet

A beautiful and historically notable programme of Brahms, Mozart, Glazunov and Sweeny. 

Читать подробнее Brahms Violin Concerto and Hungarian Dances

Brahms Violin Concerto and Hungarian Dances

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Another triumphant success for director Joseph Swensen and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra 

Читать подробнее Britten Les Illuminations

Britten Les Illuminations

Benjamin Britten

An outstanding recording of three Britten works named "Best Multichannel SACD of the Year" 2005.

Читать подробнее Carmina Celtica

Carmina Celtica


World-premiere recordings of medieval and contemporary spritual songs. 

Читать подробнее Celebrating Grappelli

Celebrating Grappelli

Martin Taylor

A classic collaboration with the late and legendary Stephane Grappelli.

Читать подробнее Celtic Experience Volume 2

Celtic Experience Volume 2

William Jackson

Haunting themes from Scotland and Ireland, including Flower of Scotland and The Sally Gardens 

Читать подробнее Change of Heart

Change of Heart

Martin Taylor

Quartet album featuring David Newton, Brian Shels and John Rae. 

Читать подробнее Chanson : The Space In Between

Chanson : The Space In Between

Barb Jungr

An original take on the songs of Jacques Brel by the Queen of Cabaret. 

Читать подробнее Chopin Piano Sonatas

Chopin Piano Sonatas

Artur Pizarro

Artur Pizarro's second Chopin album, following on from his hugely successful "Reminiscences" album. 

Читать подробнее Colloredo Serenade K. 203 & Divertimento K. 251

Colloredo Serenade K. 203 & Divertimento K. 251

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Colloredo Serenade K. 203 & Divertimento K. 251

Читать подробнее Dangerous Graces: Music by Cipriano de Rore and pupils

Dangerous Graces: Music by Cipriano de Rore and pupils

Musica Secreta

Highly recommended Diapason Découverte winning recording from the acclaimed Musica Secreta. 

Читать подробнее Dialogues with Heaven

Dialogues with Heaven

Musica Secreta

Ravishing and passionate motets winningly sung by the glorious Musica Secreta. 

Читать подробнее Don't Fret

Don't Fret

Martin Taylor

Martin Taylor's debut album for Linn Records featuring his Quartet.

Читать подробнее Drawn To All Things

Drawn To All Things

Ian Shaw

Ian Shaw's debut album on Linn Records. 

Читать подробнее Dreamsville


Carol Kidd

“Dreamsville” marks 25 years of Carol Kidd recording for Linn Records 

Читать подробнее Dvorak


Schidlof Quartet

A lovely performance of Dvorak's beautiful Piano Quintet in A and String Quartet in F.

Читать подробнее Dvorak Violin Concerto in A minor

Dvorak Violin Concerto in A minor

Joseph Swensen

Excellent performances and recorded sound mark this album as a must-have in the SCO series. 

Читать подробнее Elevate


Fiona Mackenzie

debut solo album featuring self-penned compositions in Gaelic and English

Читать подробнее Erlebach VI Sonate

Erlebach VI Sonate

Rodolfo Richter

Carefully crafted interpretations in a period style of the beguiling works of Erlebach 

Читать подробнее Eye witness

Eye witness

David Newton

The second album from this leading pianist and composer. 

Читать подробнее Fantasia


Maximiliano Martin

Brilliant debut recital disc from charismatic Spanish clarinettist Maximiliano Martin. 

Читать подробнее Fernando Sor Early Works

Fernando Sor Early Works

William Carter

Some of the finest music ever written for the guitar 

Читать подробнее Fiddler Tam

Fiddler Tam

Concerto Caledonia

Scotland's leading Baroque Ensemble, Concerto Caledonia, rediscovers the music of Thomas Erskine. 

Читать подробнее Follow me

Follow me

Jon Strong

Folk rock with a great heart. 

Читать подробнее Franz Lehár: Love was a Dream

Franz Lehár: Love was a Dream

Alfie Boe

Alfie brings his trademark charm to the songs of Lehar, performing with the Scottish Opera Orchestra 

Читать подробнее Garden of Early Delights

Garden of Early Delights

Pamela Thorby

A delightfully vibrant selection of pieces from the renaissance and early baroque periods 

Читать подробнее Gourmet Jazz

Gourmet Jazz

Various Jazz

'Gourmet Jazz' - это фантастический новый сборник, который составлен из джазо

Читать подробнее Gymnopedie


Tommy Smith

An album with classical leaning featuring pieces by Greig and Bartok. 

Читать подробнее Handel Concerti Grossi Opus 6

Handel Concerti Grossi Opus 6

The Avison Ensemble

The period ensemble give a fresh and insightful performance of Handel's masterpiece

Читать подробнее Handel Operatic Arias

Handel Operatic Arias

Emma Bell

Soprano Emma Bell's outstanding second solo album, which features the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. 

Читать подробнее Handel Recorder Sonatas

Handel Recorder Sonatas

Pamela Thorby

A second solo album and a second Gramophone "Editor's Choice" award. Widely acclaimed as a benchmark recording. "I can't for the l

Читать подробнее Happy This Way

Happy This Way

Judith Owen

...оригинальные песни при участии специального гостя Ричарда Томпсона

Читать подробнее He never mentioned love

He never mentioned love

Claire Martin

The UK’s finest jazz singer recalls the songs and spirit of the late and legendary Shirley Horn 

Читать подробнее Housewives' Choice

Housewives' Choice

The McCluskey Brothers

One-time Bluebells with a blend of Celtic soulfulness and strong melody. 

Читать подробнее I'll Take Romance

I'll Take Romance

Tina May

A leading jazz singer collaborates with Scott Hamilton. 

Читать подробнее In Perpetuity

In Perpetuity

Haftor Medboe Group

Debut recording from the spellbinding Edinburgh-based jazz quartet. 

Читать подробнее In The Beginning

In The Beginning

Dunedin Consort

The Dunedin Consort perform stunning a cappella vocal arrangements of music by Barber and Copland 

Читать подробнее It's A Nice Thought

It's A Nice Thought

Sarah moule

The highly acclaimed debut from the leading London vocalist. 

Читать подробнее J.S. Bach Mass in B Minor - Breitkopf & Härtel Edition, edited by J. Rifkin (2006)

J.S. Bach Mass in B Minor - Breitkopf & Härtel Edition, edited by J. Rifkin (2006)

Dunedin Consort

The premiere recording of the Rifkin edition of Bach's spectacular choral work. 

Читать подробнее J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variations

J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variations

Matthew Halls

Bach's popular works performed by Retrospect Ensemble's Artistic Director, Matthew Halls 

Читать подробнее Jazz Not Jazz

Jazz Not Jazz

Hue and Cry

The debut album for Linn Records and a surefooted step into jazz. 

Читать подробнее Jigs, Jives and Jacobites

Jigs, Jives and Jacobites

Ian bruce

A great live recording of Ian Bruce's original compositions live at Glasgow's Riverside Club. 

Читать подробнее John Bevan Baker Songs of Courtship

John Bevan Baker Songs of Courtship

Hebrides Ensemble

The world premiere recording of "Songs of Courtship", performed by the renowned Hebrides Ensemble. 

Читать подробнее John Ward: Consort music for five and six viols

John Ward: Consort music for five and six viols


Phantasm's debut recording on Linn Records explores the music of John Ward 

Читать подробнее JS Bach Matthew Passion (Final performing version, c. 1742)

JS Bach Matthew Passion (Final performing version, c. 1742)

Dunedin Consort

The award-winning Dunedin Consort give a remarkable performance of the emotive Matthew Passion 

Читать подробнее Just like a woman

Just like a woman

Barb Jungr

Barb Jungr interprets material associated with her heroine, Nina Simone. 

Читать подробнее La Guitarra Española - The Music of Santiago de Murcia

La Guitarra Española - The Music of Santiago de Murcia

William Carter

Очаровательная музыка мастера испанской гитары Сантьяго де Мурция во

Читать подробнее La Trompette Retrouvée

La Trompette Retrouvée

Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

A creative and well-presented programme of French works re-imagined for trumpet and piano. 

Читать подробнее Leighton Earth, Sweet Earth…(laudes terrae) and Britten Winter Words

Leighton Earth, Sweet Earth…(laudes terrae) and Britten Winter Words

James Gilchrist


Читать подробнее Lifejacket


Ian Shaw

Self-penned original songs from the 2007 BBC Jazz Vocalist of the Year 

Читать подробнее Liszt: Sonata and Etudes

Liszt: Sonata and Etudes

George-Emmanuel Lazaridis

Outstanding rendition of one of the most technically demanding solo piano pieces in all music. 

Читать подробнее Love Me Tender

Love Me Tender

Barb Jungr

Britain's foremost chansonnier with a song-styled take on material sung by Elvis Presley.

Читать подробнее Lucrezia Vizzana Componimenti Musicali (1623)

Lucrezia Vizzana Componimenti Musicali (1623)

Musica Secreta

A fascinating musical insight into 17th century sacred music seen through the eyes of an Italian nun 

Читать подробнее Lyn,s Une

Lyn,s Une

Alyn Cosker

Debut solo album from hot Scottish drummer Alyn Cosker

Читать подробнее Messiah


George Frideric Handel

... Лучший вокальный альбом эпохи барокко в 2007 году.

Читать подробнее Moonlight's Back in Style (songs by Nicky Campbell)

Moonlight's Back in Style (songs by Nicky Campbell)

Mark Moraghan

Debut album from actor and star of "Just The Two Of Us" 

Читать подробнее Mozart Colloredo Serenade K.203 and Divertimento K.251

Mozart Colloredo Serenade K.203 and Divertimento K.251

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Alexander Janiczek directs the Orchestra in the second volume of Mozart Serenades 

Читать подробнее Mozart in Vienna

Mozart in Vienna

Gottlieb Wallisch

Austrian pianist Gottlieb Wallisch's debut on Linn Records

Читать подробнее Mozart Serenades

Mozart Serenades

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

A beautiful recording featuring a selection of Mozart's interesting and charming chamber works.

Читать подробнее Mozart Symphonies 38 - 41

Mozart Symphonies 38 - 41

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

... волнующе и захватывающе

Читать подробнее Mozart Wind Concertos

Mozart Wind Concertos

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

An excellent performance of Mozart's woodwind concertos, released to mark his 250th anniversary. 

Читать подробнее My heart's in the Highlands

My heart's in the Highlands

Robert Burns

Experience the very best songs of Robert Burns, brought to life on this delightful disc. 

Читать подробнее My Oracle Lives Uptown

My Oracle Lives Uptown

William Orbit

Available from Linn to download in up to Studio Master quality and on deluxe Double 180g vinyl. 

Читать подробнее Ned Rorem – On an echoing road

Ned Rorem – On an echoing road

Prince Consort

An album of duets, trios and quartets from 'Evidence of things not seen' interspersed with songs 

Читать подробнее New Folk Songs

New Folk Songs

Perfect houseplants

Leading UK jazz musicians with unique, colourful compositions and musical interaction. 

Читать подробнее New Jack Swing

New Jack Swing

Jack Jones

"Jones delivers enough vocal acrobatics and emotional juice with this album.

Читать подробнее Of Tide & Trail

Of Tide & Trail

Dan Arborise

...a Nick Drake for the 21st century

Читать подробнее Offbeat


Claire Martin

The multi-award winning vocalist recorded live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club.

Читать подробнее Oh Fair To See (songs by Gerald Finzi)

Oh Fair To See (songs by Gerald Finzi)

James Gilchrist

A beautiful selection of Finzi song cycles with text by Thomas Hardy and other notable English poets 

Читать подробнее Olivier Messiaen: Chamber Works

Olivier Messiaen: Chamber Works

Hebrides Ensemble

An engaging performance of Messiaen's Chamber Works to mark the composer's centenary.

Читать подробнее On Wenlock Edge - Ralph Vaughan Williams

On Wenlock Edge - Ralph Vaughan Williams

James Gilchrist

James Gilchrist's second solo album with Linn Records, On Wenlock Edge, explores the works of the great English composers Vaughan

Читать подробнее Out Of This World

Out Of This World

Bryan EL

Original Release Date:  March 3, 2008 Release Date:  April 4, 2009 Label:  Amadea Records Copyrigh

Читать подробнее Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

The charismatic Palladians return with their tenth album for Linn Records.

Читать подробнее Perfect alibi

Perfect alibi

Claire Martin

Claire Martin's seventh Linn Records release, now on Multichannel SACD 

Читать подробнее Philippe Rogier: Missa Ego sum qui sum

Philippe Rogier: Missa Ego sum qui sum


A fascinating exploration of this neglected Franco-Flemish composer. 

Читать подробнее Pilgrim


Ruthie hensall

Debut album from a leading light of the West End stage. 

Читать подробнее Platypus


Gerard Presencer

Revered debut album from this leading exponent of the flugel horn. 

Читать подробнее Portraits with special guest Chet Atkins

Portraits with special guest Chet Atkins

Martin Taylor

Chet Atkins joins Martin Taylor on a sterling series of jazz standards. 

Читать подробнее Prokofiev Violin Concerto

Prokofiev Violin Concerto

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

This delightful all-Prokofiev programme adds another dimension to the indispensable SCO series. 

Читать подробнее Reminiscences - Frederic Chopin

Reminiscences - Frederic Chopin

Artur Pizarro

Renowned pianist Artur Pizarro turns to the Romantic piano music of Chopin for his third album. 

Читать подробнее Rimsky-Korsakov - Piano Duos

Rimsky-Korsakov - Piano Duos

Artur Pizarro

Красочная фортепианная постановка Piano Duos -одна из лучших оркестр

Читать подробнее Rimsky-Korsakov - Piano Duos

Rimsky-Korsakov - Piano Duos

Artur Pizarro and Vita Panomariovaite

Colourful piano arrangements of Rimsky-Korsakov’s finest orchestral works 

Читать подробнее Schumann


Schidlof Quartet

Pianist Bernard d'Ascoli joins the Quartet for this glowingly recorded celebration of Schumann. 

Читать подробнее Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Sir Charles Mackerras conducts the SCO and pianist Artur Pizarro 

Читать подробнее Shock!


Gareth Williams Power Trio

Shock! showcases Williams’ skills as an outstanding and exciting composer, pianist and improviser 

Читать подробнее Shostakovich Symphony No. 11

Shostakovich Symphony No. 11

Royal Scottish National Orchestra

A powerful and unforgettable performance of Shostakovich's nationalistic Symphony No. 11

Читать подробнее Snap Clatter

Snap Clatter

Perfect houseplants

Their second Linn album displays such influences as tango, folk and jazz. 

Читать подробнее Songs by Strauss, Walter & Marx

Songs by Strauss, Walter & Marx

Emma Bell

Emma Bell performs songs by Richard Strauss and premiere recordings by Bruno Walter and Joseph Marx. 

Читать подробнее Songs of Muriel Herbert

Songs of Muriel Herbert

James Gilchrist

...a premiere recording of newly re-discovered songs

Читать подробнее Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual Evolution

Bryan EL

Original Release Date:  March 10, 2010 Release Date:  March 10, 2010 Label:  AMAdea Records Copyri

Читать подробнее Stability


Clark Tracey

Renowned UK jazz drummer leads on this highly-regarded album. 

Читать подробнее Stravinsky Apollon musagète & Pulcinella Suite

Stravinsky Apollon musagète & Pulcinella Suite

Igor Stravinsky

The Chamber Orchestra of Europe perform ballet music of Igor Stravinsky 

Читать подробнее That’s me

That’s me

Carol Kidd

Unique interpretations of 14 songs with full orchestral backing. 

Читать подробнее The Complete Works of Ravel Vol. 1

The Complete Works of Ravel Vol. 1

Artur Pizarro

This demanding piano programme highlights Pizarro as an accomplished Ravel interpreter. Recommended. 

Читать подробнее The Complete Works of Ravel Vol. 2

The Complete Works of Ravel Vol. 2

Artur Pizarro

The second disc in this talented pianist's acclaimed Ravel series 

Читать подробнее The Devil's Trill

The Devil's Trill

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

The new Palladians line up presents sonatas by Italian composers and virtuosi Tartini and Veracini 

Читать подробнее The Early Years Anthology 4-CD

The Early Years Anthology 4-CD

Claire Martin

Multi-award winning singer Claire Martin's first four albums in a new boxed set 

Читать подробнее The Full Flavour

The Full Flavour

Ray Gelato Giants

Popular UK group with Louis Prima influences and the spirit of Harlem 

Читать подробнее The Golden Section

The Golden Section

The Wallace Collection

Works by John Tavener, John White, Jim Parker, Michael Nyman, William Mathias & James Macmillan 

Читать подробнее The Music of the Night

The Music of the Night

Jeff leyton

The debut album from a show voice with real soul

Читать подробнее The Nightingale and the Butterfly

The Nightingale and the Butterfly

Pamela Thorby

Pamela Thorby teams up with renowned lutenist Elizabeth Kenny for her fourth solo album on Linn. 

Читать подробнее The Optimist

The Optimist

Gerard Presencer

Fine British hornplayer with self-penned material and a fresh approach. 

Читать подробнее The Sun King's Paradise

The Sun King's Paradise

Palladians / The Palladian Ensemble

A brilliant Diapson d'Or award-winning album exploring music by Couperin, Marais and Rebel. 

Читать подробнее Thomas Tallis: Spem in alium

Thomas Tallis: Spem in alium


A simply spectacular performance which earned the recording a Gramophone 'Editor's Choice' plaudit. 

Читать подробнее Tine Gheal/Bright Fire

Tine Gheal/Bright Fire


Celtic, East European and Caribbean folk influences create a stunning contemporary sound. 

Читать подробнее Too Darn Hot!

Too Darn Hot!

Claire Martin

Claire Martin concentrates on her core jazz-based strengths. 

Читать подробнее Trumpet Masque

Trumpet Masque

Jonathan Freeman-Attwood

The third in the series of re-imagined works for trumpet and piano 

Читать подробнее Two's Company

Two's Company

Martin Taylor

Leading jazz guitar virtuoso in duet with a host of talented Australian musicians. 

Читать подробнее Vibraciones del Alma

Vibraciones del Alma

Maximiliano Martin

a captivating selection exploring the diversity of European clarinet repertoire 

Читать подробнее Vivaldi L’Amore per Elvira

Vivaldi L’Amore per Elvira

La Serenissima

La Serenissima играет кантанту Elvira Вивальди совместно с двумя недавно восста

Читать подробнее Walking in the sun

Walking in the sun

Barb Jungr

…уникальный и искренний альбом госпел-музыки и блюза

Читать подробнее When Lights Are Low

When Lights Are Low

Claire Martin

The eleventh studio album by the "Madonna of British Jazz." 

Читать подробнее With a song my heart

With a song my heart

Gill Manly

Gill's debut album on Linn Records features performances by Guy Barker and Mark Murphy 

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